
Thursday, July 4, 2013

NA Crush Tournament! Team Travis Maddox!! #TeamTravis #MaddoxManiacs

Hello, everybody! My name is Kelli . I have the fabulous and pleasure-filled job of representing the one and only Travis “Mad Dog” Maddox from Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire. Not that he even NEEDS  an intro.  I hope you are all are familiar with my all-time favorite book boyfriend, but in case you’re not, let’s get down to the deets and what makes him the top crush in NA.

Let’s start with the physical because let’s face it – that’s what gets our attention first.

If I’m being honest, Travis is walking sex. The man oozes sexuality. He has buzzed brown hair, a pair of warm, gorgeous brown eyes that women get lost in, topped off with a lean, tattooed, muscular body that drives us all insane. Chiseled abs? Check. Tattoos? Double check! Let’s face it, people, that’s the COMPLETE package right there.

Oh okay, okay. I get it and you’re right. Looks AREN’T everything.
What kind of guy is he?
So we get that Travis is hot. I’m sure everyone wonders about his personality. Travis could be considered the epitome of alpha male. He’s protective of what he considers his. He makes it a point to get everything he wants no matter the cost. He went from man whore to a one-woman man in a matter of weeks. Travis may do some things that are considered over-the-top but they just make him even more endearing! Buying his girl a puppy – awwwww! Tattooing her nickname on his wrist? LOVE!
"You like Pigeon,” he said defensively. “It’s a dove, an attractive girl, a winning card in poker, take your pick. You’re my Pigeon.”
Travis has a bit of a temper but it typically only flares up when he feels the need to protect Abby. His anger stems from losing his mother at a young age and growing up in a house full of boys that liked to fight. How can you fault him for that? He does manage to use his past for extra-curricular purposes. Have you all forgotten that he’s part of an underground fighting ring at his school? Chalk up another hot point!
OH! And what about his motorcycle? It’s hard not to swoon and drool over a man on a bike. In boots.
All of this and the man is SMART. He helped tutor Abby in biology when she couldn’t understand the lessons. Travis barely (if at all) had to study because he can pick up and retain information. I find that impressive and sexy.

So far we’ve determined Travis is hot, smart and a bit of a bad ass.

Just in case you needed more to sway your vote in Travis’s favor:
1.)   He throws one kick ass birthday party.

2.) Regardless of his past, he loves his dad and brothers fiercely. Travis is a family man!

3.) He will sing in a crowded cafeteria to take unwanted attention off of you.

4.) He'll take care of you when you're sick.

5.) He's far more sensitive than he lets on.

6.) He changes his whole outlook on relationships for "The One".

Abby touched her palm to my cheek. “You know what, Mr. Maddox?”

“What baby?”

Her expression turned serious. “In another life, I could love you.”

I watched her for a moment, staring into her glassed-over eyes. She was drunk, but just for a moment it didn’t seem wrong to pretend that she meant it.

“I might love you in this one.”

After all of this, how can you *NOT* choose Travis?? He’s sexy beyond belief, he’s smart, he’s willing to protect you from any threat – minor or major, he rides a Harley and kicks some ass in the ring! The bottom line is he will fight for who/what he wants. We all know he took that promise to his dying mother very seriously.

So to all the other NA crushes, I have only one thing  to say. I’ve chosen Abby’s own words because they absolutely fit.

I can’t see you at all, actually. I’m… pretty sure I’m in love with Travis.”

So now it's time to vote! Get your butts over to and make sure you click Travis!! And have your friends vote. Spread the word by tweeting #TeamTravis, #MaddoxManiacs and include #NACrushTourney as well.

And by the way, Chuck Norris has spoken:

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